Tuesday 18 March 2008

Inaugral post

This is the blog where myself and Dan are hopefully going to post stories from our journey around the antipode for our massive audience!

Hopefully the posts will be slightly more interesting than just 39 posts, each one swearing we're never drinking again.


  1. patroclus said...

    Woo! Watch out for the Curse of Max Gogarty, though. Or indeed just Max Gogarty himself.

  2. Matt said...

    I don't tend to wear skinny jeans (well not bought to be skinny) so hopefully will be ok. I am writing this from an iPod though so I might still get lynched!

  3. James Henry said...

    Are you nearly there yet?

  4. Izzy said...

    personally I'm just relieved the blog header isn't a dodgy photoshop job involving Oz Clarke...

  5. Betty said...

    have a fantastic time, and don't come back with any funny accents,,,, oh yeah you already have one of those


  6. theboypayne said...

    What do you get if you cross a kangaroo with an elephant? Bloody big holes all over australia ya great gala!

  7. searleyeditor said...

    I'll say something, your friends ARE funny. Unlike Dick. I saw an Elephant jump once.